Webtrotion vs Notion Sites v2
Comparing Notion's new site versions with external notion to site builders: pros, cons, and why I'm sticking with Webtrotion.
Voicenotes: Hitting Half of the Right Notes
If you ever wanted a voice based quick note app, something that is similar to Google Keep but does have some integrated cool AI features that actually work, give Voicenotes a go.
Impel AI: Expect to be Unimpressed
You can skip this for now; there's nothing much to see.
Add to Habitify from Todoist w/ AI
Did you want a better input interface to your habit tracker rather than clicking multiple buttons?
Link Previews in Chrome using MaxFocus
Those cool link popups in Arc can now be yours, in Chrome.
My favorite “find a time” app
Friction Logs
What are friction logs if not 2am frustrations?
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Trying to Build a Micro Journalling App
I'm trying to create a highly personal and experimental micro journal app tailored to my unique preferences, circumventing common app limitations and Notion's page layout constraints, with a focus on free-form input and LLM-powered structured data extraction in a timeline format with blocks as the main input format.
My Company Shifted to Linear and It's Meh?
Seriously, why is it regarded as pinnacle of software engineering? Just because it's opinionated?