Thoughts on UX and Tool Choices
My Month with Superlist - The Good, The Bad, and The Wishlist
The notion todoist hybrid
My Experiment with Google Workspace vs Notion
I tried using Google Workspace as an alternative to Notion and, although I appreciate many of its features, I've decided it's not the right fit for me right now.
The Importance of Accessibility as a Default
Give Your Chrome the Vertical Tabs It Deserves!
The Struggle with Information Consumption
Auto-Label in Gmail
GPT labels your email
The sketchnotes dilemma
Good to look, not good tot read?
Scratches and Scribbles – Friction Logs as a Service
I’m offering a basic no-deadline 100-word scribble for free, detailed scribbles for $300, a 5-minute video scribble for $100, and 30 min call for $200, and custom pricing for continual testing.
The Horse Browser
Does it gallop?