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How do I type and think? I can write and think?

I cannot think and type at the same time!

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Something just clicked for me right now, at midnight. I cannot think and type at the same time. I can think and blabber out loud, even though blabbering is slower, but it is not enough of a difference to hamper my thinking. This is similar to how reading out loud makes some people struggle with processing what they are reading, especially when their internal reading does not match the speed of their speaking abilities.

But blabbering produces a huge damn wall of text, just like this one! It gets even worse when I am reading a paper for example, and I have thoughts about parts of it. In an ideal world, I will circle them, scribble around for context, but cropping them and typing out my comment 100% breaks the flow for me. And I cannot read and process huge walls of text. This one is fine, because I am just posting it and never need to come back to it again.

But for long term stuff, I cannot do this!

This is what I have been struggling with. This is why I scribble down stuff because scribbling down with colors and pens in a spatial manner makes it way easier for me to relate stuff, to pick bits and pieces that would go together. It makes it easy for me to read and process it once I am done with the dumping. Unfortunately it makes it harder for me later organize it, search it or document it. I don't know how I had this realization, but it is so fascinating (I figured a piece of the puzzle!) and disappointing (no off the shelf note-taking system will match my needs) at the same time.