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I used Leaflet

Leaflet is a new publishing medium from, made to distribute pages (or expanded leaflets) in the wild — think very simplified Google Docs, but nested. I tested out their alpha version.

Last Updated:

The main reason this feedback is in Notion rather than in Leaflet, is (a) I like it to be in one place where I can access it later rather than it being lost, but, more importantly, (b) I really want toggles in leaflet for controlling information overload visibility.

Last tested Jul 13, 2024

Testing on Jul 13, 2024

This is the first time I am trying Leaflet. Instead of trying to use Leaflet and then jot down my notes later, I instead decided to record my thoughts and then summarize them.


(disclosure: generated with gemini)

Initial Setup & UI Quirks:

  • Link Redirection with Notion-esque IDs: Right off the bat, Leaflet generated a unique ID for my document. The format reminded me a lot of Notion, which threw me for a second.
  • Button Placement & Responsiveness: The layout is clean with a top button and a cool gradient button at the bottom that says "Write something." Resizing the window works well; the buttons adjust nicely.
  • Confusing Toolbar Situation: Clicking "Write something" unleashes two toolbars – one at the top right and one at the bottom. Here's where it gets weird:
    • Both toolbars stick around even when the screen size changes.
    • Three icons are duplicated on both toolbars. Not sure what the thought process was there.
    • Tooltips on the top icons appear faster than the bottom ones. I almost missed them entirely!
    • There's a random black "icon" on the bottom toolbar that seems pointless.

Writing Experience & Missing Features:

  • No Slash Commands: Sadly, my beloved slash commands don't work here.
  • Intrusive "Add New Block" Toolbar: Typing a slash transforms the bottom toolbar, while the right toolbar awkwardly shifts below. It's very in-your-face, even when grayed out.
  • Image Handling:
    • Adding images is smooth – rectangles, squares, pasting – it all works.
    • No column blocks, which is a bummer.
  • Link Functionality:
    • Pasting a link renders a preview with the OG image and description.
    • Pasting a Leaflet link into Notion doesn't work as expected. It doesn't pull the Leaflet document title.
    • The Leaflet link structure is cool though, not as clunky as Notion's.
  • Mobile Friendliness:
    • Link previews render fully on mobile, unlike Notion's cropped versions. More like Craft, which I prefer.
  • Not a True Block-Based Editor:
    • This was a letdown. I was expecting block-based functionality.
    • Adding content above existing elements, especially images, is a nightmare.
    • No drag-and-drop for rearranging content. Huge miss!

Text Formatting & Highlights:

  • Basic Formatting Toolbar: Selecting text reveals a standard toolbar (bold, italic, etc.).
  • Keyboard Shortcut Confusion:
    • Tooltips show "Control + B" for bold, which is odd for a Mac. Should be "Command + B." And neither shortcut actually works.
  • Highlight Color Choices:
    • Default gray highlight is an odd choice. Green would fit the "Leaf" theme better.
    • The color picker options don't look interactive at first glance.
    • You can select and overwrite the hex codes, which is a plus.
    • The color selection pop-up stays open even after you've picked a color. A bit strange.
    • Love the real-time preview when changing highlight colors!
  • Inline Links:
    • No keyboard shortcut for adding inline links.
    • Pasting a link over selected text doesn't auto-create a link (unlike Notion or Github).
    • Clicking the inline link button makes the text selection disappear, which is disorienting.
  • Markdown Support:
    • Basic Markdown for headings (H1, H2, H3) works.
    • Converting between heading levels is clunky. It seems to append hashtags internally instead of properly converting.
    • The paragraph behavior is strange, especially when switching from a heading.

Cards & Collaboration:

  • Card UX:
    • Opening a card creates a right-side pane, but it doesn't auto-scroll to the center.
    • Cursor placement in the "Write something" field is slightly off, which is visually distracting.
  • Card Design Similarities:
    • "Add a card" and "External URL" look too similar. Different colors or backgrounds would help differentiate them.
  • Real-Time Card Updates:
    • The card preview dynamically updates with content and formatting changes. Super cool!
    • Only the H1 and the paragraph directly below it appear in the card preview.
  • Collaborative Features:
    • Collaboration works smoothly.
  • Gradient Button Confusion:
    • The gradient button controls document design, which isn't immediately obvious.
  • Design Options:
    • Background colors, images, and accent text customization are all great additions.
    • A color picker for the page color would be fantastic.
    • It's unclear what "accent" text affects until you have content on the page.
  • Card Focus Issues:
    • Clicking on a card with existing text doesn't place the cursor in the document or center the pane.
  • Document Navigation:
    • "Cut" functionality works despite the message saying it's not supported.
    • Block selection doesn't seem to work on desktop.
    • Inserting content between images remains a challenge.
    • The "multi-column view" seems to refer to the side tabs, which is a neat feature.
  • Card Overload:
    • Adding multiple cards can lead to a long scroll. Collapsible sections or a way to limit visible cards would be helpful.

Missing Features & Future Ideas:

  • Essential Text Editing:
    • Table of contents or navigation for headings is a must-have.
    • Find and replace functionality is needed.
    • Columns within pages would be a game-changer.
  • Embeds & Rich Content:
    • Embeds for services like Partiful or Luma would be amazing.
    • Comments and annotations are essential for collaboration.
  • Power User Features:
    • Ink & Switch-style math input fields would be incredible.
    • A built-in sketch block would be a huge differentiator.
    • Toggles for hiding and revealing content are crucial for organization.
  • Media & File Handling:
    • File uploads, tables, and video embeds are important for various use cases.
  • Lower Priority Features:
    • User accounts, home pages, and granular sharing aren't critical right now.
    • "Key-value blocks" seem like Google Docs variables, which could be interesting but not a high priority.