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Local first apps are a no-go for me

Every single time I use a local first app, I am reminded why I am not meant for local first apps. My @GoodnotesApp ended up with a corrupted/unliked database to pdf files, even with the auto-backup on, which cannot be fixed. Great!

This image shows a screenshot of Goodnotes app on iPad. The interface is displaying a folder named "Paper Reviews". Several documents are shown as thumbnails. Annotations on the thumbnails are visible, such as lines or marks made on the documents, but the actual content of the PDFs is not visible in the thumbnail preview suggesting data corruption.
This image shows a screenshot of Goodnotes app on iPad. The interface is displaying a folder named "Paper Reviews". Several documents are shown as thumbnails. Annotations on the thumbnails are visible, such as lines or marks made on the documents, but the actual content of the PDFs is not visible in the thumbnail preview suggesting data corruption.

In case people bring this up:
1. Maybe you deleted the files -- I did not intend to.
2. You should have exported to pdf -- I'll lose all ability to search handwriting, might as well print it out
3. Read pdf & review in markdown -- uh huh.
4. Beta OS switching problem -- and?