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My Company Shifted to Linear and It's Meh?

Seriously, why is it regarded as pinnacle of software engineering? Just because it's opinionated?

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I don't understand why people rave about Linear. Sure, it is a bit faster than Notion but then I have way less content in Linear. It also does not instant search for some reason? So the search results show up when you press enter and then you have to retype your query if it doesn't bring up what you wanted it to. The flat design is up my alley, but interactions are heavily keyboard based and require reading documentation — example how do you move an existing issue as a subtask of another issue? You then use Cmd+K to type Mark Issue As which isn't obvious at all? You can't drag issues into one another for some reason? You can't assign project just by typing like Todoist. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Am I missing something here?