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My Problem with Productivity Social Media

Productive doing something that is irrelevant to me

These two comments on reddit exactly explain why I don't watch productivity content. Whether it be youtube or twitter or anything else — I do not want to be productive running courses, I do not want to be productive running a productivity business - but the content creation grind requires so much input — that sooner than later, that becomes your job, either the content itself, or the course itself, or the business teaching about productivity. And I do not fault creators for that. But, that isn’t me. And now it isn’t relatable. Ali Abdaal used to stand out for his content being productive at being/or learning to be a doctor, but that is no longer the case.

That+sponsorships -- but the latter is not productivity sphere related.

simosaurus says - Like most YouTube productivity creators, my main issue is that his videos are 99% of the time focused on how to optimise making YouTube content about productivity. I get that it's what he does for a living, but... YouTube/online video as a career is unique and the approaches to work often aren't very applicable to people that do literally anything else.
Juicecalculator says - Yes I completely agree. Now that he is a productivity content creator I struggle to understand his mission. He’s productive, but productive doing what? He talks about wanting to be more fit, but he doesn’t seem to be very successful with it over the years and he still talks a lot about playing World of Warcraft. Congrats on writing the book I will probably do the audiobook when it releases
simosaurus says - Like most YouTube productivity creators, my main issue is that his videos are 99% of the time focused on how to optimise making YouTube content about productivity. I get that it's what he does for a living, but... YouTube/online video as a career is unique and the approaches to work often aren't very applicable to people that do literally anything else.
Juicecalculator says - Yes I completely agree. Now that he is a productivity content creator I struggle to understand his mission. He’s productive, but productive doing what? He talks about wanting to be more fit, but he doesn’t seem to be very successful with it over the years and he still talks a lot about playing World of Warcraft. Congrats on writing the book I will probably do the audiobook when it releases