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Why Aren't More Apps Using AI for Tags?

Tag using AI dammit!

Five years (not really!) into the GPT era, and most apps still don't let you add tags using AI. What gives?

I can't believe it's been 5 years (or months) into having GPT APIs and most apps still don't let you add tags using AI. WHY IN THE EVER LOVING FUDGE IS THAT? They let you add summaries and even do QA, but tags? NOPE, they don't do them here. NotionHQreadwise, can we get some AI tags please?

Sure, tana_inc does it, but that's beside the point. obsdmd does too through plain text, and I assume some AI plugin + templater combo, but I'm not looking for UI on top of plain text filters right now.

Let me tag my content with AI, it's one of the things it's good at!Gmail, listen up. I don't really want to write an email with AI; I want to add labels to the email with AI.

Why is there a shortage of integrating AI into our existing interfaces?