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Site header image Nerdy Momo Cat
Introducing Webtrotion: a Notion-based, single-file configurable static website generator (not just blogs!) with GitHub hosting and built-in actions. I often document my work, especially when I'm figuring things out — check out Making Webtrotion
Scratches and Scribbles – Friction Logs as a Service

I'm now offering intentional app walkthroughs, comments, and suggestions, focusing on features and usability. Check my post for details on my background, use-case, and social proof. If you'd like me to review your app, DM or email me.

If you want to support my interests, please buy me a coffeeShow information for the linked content.

Hi, I am Nerdy Momo Cat

I’m excited about all things related to personal knowledge management. I’m all about linking knowledge snippets, coding and automations, note taking and sketchnoting.

Whether I’m helping others streamline their workflows and optimize their productivity, or experimenting with new tools to improve my own processes, I’m always exploring new ways to get the most out of my digital life.

My personal tools at the moment are: Notion, Todoist and Goodnotes, but I am always exploring other tools.

Get in touch

Email me at or DM me on Twitter if you’d like to chat!

I can create a personalized PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) system for you on an individual basis. If this is what you’re interested in, feel free to send me a direct message.

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