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  • After 3 years of trying to consolidate apps, I am now separating them

    Everything (not) in one place?

    I am one of those people who cannot handle multiple apps that do the same thing. Whether they are for personal or professional use, if both apps are about tasks, then it's really tough for me to use both.

    However, I've realized that I can manage multiple apps if they serve very specific, compartmentalized purposes. For example, I want my journal and personal databases to be interconnected, but do I really need my shopping list to be linked up? It serves no purpose being in my PKM app.

    Take bookmarks, for instance. It's quite a hassle to have bookmarks in Notion, and I'm considering alternatives like Chrome bookmarks or Raindrop. So, in short, it's all about compartmentalizing your digital life to make things less complicated.

  • I'll be avoiding switching my PKM till AI integrations are finalized

    Based on my experience with Notion, I have quickly realized, I do not really like how Notion handles pages. But I am waiting to switch.

    There's obviously a hint of a struggle within me; I really like Notion and don't want to leave. My hesitation mainly comes from a keen interest in how different apps are going to integrate AI. To me, the low-hanging fruit of integration, like synthesis during content creation, is incredibly dull. I absolutely don't care about it. What I'm truly waiting for is to see how these apps will handle the transformation of unstructured content into structured forms and semantic searches.

  • Unintentionally avoiding Notion

    I've been using Notion primarily for long-form documents that have properties. So, for anything that requires extended content, Notion works fine for me.

    However, when it comes to tasks, journalling, or lists, I find myself unintentionally avoiding the platform. I really dislike using Notion for tasks. Writing a 'done' list feels like a chore, and linking pages feels pointless because that information just seems to disappear.

    And yeah, that makes me kind of sad.

  • New project launch by Notion

    The main concern is that current databases cannot be ported over to this new feature. And I am kinda okay with it?

    I think it's a new user onboarding feature. It's kinda similar to buying templates from people, just that this one is made by Notion and has some features inbuilt. This feature isn't really meant for people who customize their systems heavily or for those who already have established systems.

    One way to approach this is by asking myself: Do I want this company to make money and stay alive? If the answer is yes, I just make peace with it. On the other hand, if I don't like the direction things are taking, I look for an alternative.

    It's worth noting that if companies don't focus on making money, they often end up shutting down. And here I am, working in research and choosing to make less money in return for increased, well, let's call it misery.

  • Nothing comes close to Muse

    Spatial canvas done correctly!

    Muse recently launched their Muse for teams and I have two wishes. I wish they had an option of publicly sharing the board, and that other spatial canvases adopted how well they implement the spatial and handwriting aspect of it.

  • I regret not using a URL shortener

    The links are gonna change.

    I have been sharing tips and tricks and templates over the course of past year on Twitter, but now the links are gonna change.

    Why? Because I wanted to change the workspace where my Notion templates were hosted. And I wanted to change my homepage. Most URL shorteners do not allow you to edit the destination URL for free. So, I found a great repo on GitHub built by younho_9.

    And now, I can edit the URL in my Notion database and still shorten all the URLs. That is awesome!